Saturday, October 27, 2007

Huckabee responds to attacks... a test

I wrote the bulk of the content of the last post a bit over two weeks ago, although I just posted it yesterday.

In the ensuing time, the governor has continued to gain national attention for his impassioned speeches and slow but steady climb in the polls, as more and more Americans tune in to the governor's positive vision for America.

One of the first signs that a candidate is gaining in the polls is that (s)he is attacked by rivals. Just as Hillary Clinton would not be attacked by Republican front runners and Democratic rivals if she stood no chance, so would a Republican contender be ignored if he did not present a serious threat. Which makes the increasing number of negative attacks on the governor's record a milestone.

This is a stage in the campaign which is pivotal for the governor: can he whither the criticism?

I think his letter responding to a critical Wall Street Journal editorial is a good step. It is written by just one of the elites about whom I was speaking in my last post. John Fund is a good man, but in his isolated Wall Street Journal world, he forgets that most average Republicans are motivated as much, if not more, by issues like the right to life and sanctity of marriage than taxes and spending, Mr. Fund's pet issues. While all are important, the degree of venom in the article is indicative of the disconnect between the type of candidates elites favor and the type of candidates voters would favor. All the more reason to be alert and aware of what's happening out there!

Also helpful are posts by independent bloggers, such as this gem by The Roebuck Report.

There are other points in the Gov's favor that haven't been mentioned. I hope to address some of these in the future, if I can.

Finally, I must say that Governor Romney's attacks on Gov. Huckabee for offering scholarship eligibility for children of illegal immigrants is laughable. Governor Romney didn't seem to mind illegal immigrants (let alone their children, who are NOT responsible for their parents' actions) when he was in charge of Massachusetts, and they were manicuring his undoubtedly lavish lawn. (See here.)

In fact, if Governor Romney was smart, he wouldn't provoke fights over which governor, he or Mr. Huckabee, governed as more of a conservative.

I think the words of Sen. John McCain come to mind here: "Maybe he can get out his small varmint gun and drive those Guatemalans off his yard." Does anyone find this man, the plastic former governor of Massachusetts, credible?

I think from now on we'll just call Governor Romney "The Varmint Hunter".

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